Saturday, July 18, 2009

I AM a fan of books

In late May rapper Kanye West was quoted as saying “I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talk to people and living real life.” The irony of him saying this is that he is now a published author. Funny how he wants people to spend money on his book but he is not a “fan” of books.

After I read about this, I was pretty upset. Something cool happened though, every time I expressed my anger and shared the story with friends or family who had not yet heard, everyone reacted in pretty much the same way that I had. All the sudden I was hearing everyone talk about how great books are and how dare he make these comments. It turns out that while Mr. West is not a fan of books, many people still are. I know I am proud to say I am a huge fan of books. Reading allows you to get away without actually having to move from your couch, patio, desk, etc. I like to get my information in more than one way too and getting out there and doing stuff is great, but reading about stuff is pretty cool too. Why are you a fan of books?

Current Read: The Condition by Jennifer Haigh, another book I’m glad to be reading this summer. I’m hooked on reading about this family, as they struggle through life facing challenges and I am hoping for a happy ending for them.

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