Monday, July 13, 2009


Ever find out about a great book long after it was popular? Months ago I was in a class with some fellow library staff and we were all suggesting books to one another. Actually they were suggesting books, I was frantically writing down titles to add to my never ending book list. Someone mentioned Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides and I was intrigued by their summary. I thought it must have been a new book since I hadn’t heard of it before, but turns out it’s been around for awhile. I reserved it and patiently (okay not so patiently) waited for it to come in.

I was a bit leery when I read the back cover synopsis. It just didn’t sound like my cup of tea. I kept in mind though that of all the books I penned down that day, this was the one I reserved immediately. Within just a few pages I was hooked. I could not put it down. It was one of those long books that you want to finish because it’s so good, but can’t imagine finishing because it’s so good! I also realized after I got the book that it’s by the author of The Virgin Suicides which was a favorite read of mine some time ago, though I didn’t like the movie. Middlesex might be too complicated to make into a movie but I would love to see what they could do with it. If you are looking for a great read this summer, this one is on the top of my list from this year’s reads.

What books have you found out about much later after “everyone” had already read them? Were you surprised you had missed a great find? Were you happy to have finally caught on to a great read? What book has been your favorite read this year?

Current Read: Undoing I Do by Anastasia Royal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eugenides published "Middlesex B-side" in the Paris Review (issue 167) a while back. It's a gem, if you can unearth it. The piece is a complete chapter he trimmed from "Middlesex" while editing.