Monday, June 1, 2009

She did it to me again!

She did it to me again! Every time Nora Roberts starts a new trilogy, I swear that I am not going to read it until all the books have been written and released. And yet, I recently found myself devouring the first book in her latest series Vision in White. It’s a quartet this time, instead of her usual trilogy, but the result is the same; she writes a great book with rich characters and touching friendships, so that I come to care about these people like my own family or friends. Then, I get to the end of the book and have to wait until December to find our how everyone is doing! It is worse than waiting for your favorite author to write a new book, because now I feel invested in these people's lives. Anyone else out there have the same experience? How do you cope with waiting for the next installment in the series?

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